May 21

May 20

Today was the last work day. Noah and I spent time together, and then I spent a lot of time on my own putting together all of our footage into a final video. We intended to make a 2-4 minute video, but ours ended up being a little shy of eight minutes. It’s funny, but we also have good content that is more meaningful. The shift in themes in the video represents our project overall—it was comedic at times, but there were also great lessons that we learned along the way, particularly in our interviews. We had a great time overall, and feel like the time was well spent.

I am not very good at editing, which is apparent in the iMovie film, but some of the cuts are relatively clean. I am pretty happy with what I did for the video. Noah helped of course, but he was more focused on the record book. We each did work on both parts of the presentation, but focused more on our own part, because we wanted to keep all the components of the presentation pieces on one device to make putting everything together easier.

Quote of the day: “It’s not always the destination, it’s the journey” —Anonynous

Daily Hours: 4
Total hours: 59


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